What is Art?

Art is something that can only defined by the speaker of the word itself. Meaning, YOU. It’s one of those words with countless definitions. My definition of art? It’s anything that lets your mind wander and piece things together to form one main idea, or many ideas. Art is something that will never die, because it surrounds us in our daily lives. Anything from sketching in our lab notebooks when we’re bored in class, to operating machinery in a factory to produce goods is considered art to many, even if it’s not to some. Even as I’m sitting here writing out what art is to me is considered art just for the fact that I’m letting ideas flow into words and sentences and all that. Art isn’t only confined to a pencil or paintbrush or computer; art surrounds you, no matter if you think so or not. Speaking is an art. That’s why in elementary school we called it “language arts”, because it’s the art of language. There’s many examples as to what art is, and I don’t have an exact definition besides my own.

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